Thursday, November 21, 2019

start of 5 major religions

In human geo today we started to talk about the five major religions. The most practice religion in the world is Christianity. The second most practiced is Islam. Around 2.2 billion people in the world are christians. They are located in Europe, the Americas, and southern Africa. The denominations of Christianity are: Catholic church, Eastern Orthodox church, Protestants (Lutherans, Methodists, Baptist, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and many more. The founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ and Christianity is Abrahamic in origin). The holy book of the religion is called the Bible , especially the New Testament (gospels). Some of the beliefs are that Jesus is both human and divine- son of God; he led a virtuous life; was crucified, died, buried, and resurrected; he ascended into heaven where he reigns with God the Father. We also talked about the Islam religion, but I have enough words from just talking about the christianity one lol.

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