Tuesday, December 3, 2019

discussing the demographic transition

Today in human geo, we went over the demographic transition article and we talked about what the 4/5 stages were about. I put 4/5 because technically the paper only went into detail about the four, but at the very end of it, it mentioned a fifth stage. Anyway so we went around the class and one of us would describe what the stage was and how it impacted the population and when that person was done they would get to pick another person. I raised my hand for the first stage and I wasn't really aware we had to go into that much detail so i just stated the three general bullet points that were listed above the paragraph about stage 1. It's fine though because we went into more detail. Stage one is just when people had to hunt for their food and both their CBR and their CDR were high. IN stage two thats when the industrial and medical revolution happened, which impacted the world a great deal. In stage 3, the birth rate starts to decline and people have fewer kids. Lastly stage 4, the birth rate is very low and the death rate is increasing. This condition is called zero population and also the lack of change in the population.

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