Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Message To Garcia

In today's Human Geo class Mr. Schick reinforced the rule that any day we have class, we have to blog which I wasn't aware of until today, but i'll try to stay on top of these.  After that we read an essay called "A Message to Garcia", written in 1899 by Elbert Hubbard. I was one of the first people to have to get up to read and surprisingly I really wasn't that nervous about it. Anyway the essay was about the Spanish-American War and the president needed this guy Rowan to deliver a very important letter to someone of the name Garcia. In the story it seemed like Rowan was a very get the job done kinda guy because as soon as McKinley gave him the duty to do that he delivered the letter right away, even though he had to go through a lot to complete the task, he got it done. Now when there was another thing needed to be done- this time much more simple, the clerk that was asked to do it refused and questioned them instead of just following through with it. After reading Hubbard's essay, the connections with the story and our discussion of the difficulties of high school are kinda similar. Like in the Hubbard story there was a guy who was willing to do his work no questions asked , but there was also a guy who was kind of trying to get out of it or half do it. So maybe that the hardworking guy represents a student who tries to be on top of all their work and the other guy is like a student who can't really stay on top of their work and other things. To be honest I kinda just took a wild guess on this so sorry if it doesn't make sense.

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