Tuesday, November 26, 2019

looking over test

Today in human geo we looked over the five major religions test , but for like the first fifteen minutes one student had to take the test so Mr. Schick let us do whatever. I tried to watch Netflix, but the connection was really bad so I tried to link the wifi to my phone and it worked a little bit better but was still really slow, so I just watched youtube. After the kid who didn't take his test finished, that's when we started to look over the actual test. I got a 38/50. I did a lot worse than I thought I did. I kept mixing up Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. I did pretty well with the Judaism and Christianity questions though. For the rest of class Mr. Schick just talked and that's why i'm doing my blog while he talks about random things till class ends.

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 religions quiz

Today in human geo we took the five major religions quiz that we've been working on for three days. Before the actual test Mr. Schick gave us ten minutes to review our notes and stuff. He also walked around with a basket filled with candy and stuff and he let us pick something out which was nice. I got one of those jolly rancher lollipops, it was pink lemonade flavored. Anyway, we also went over the slides about the religions as a class one more time as review. T study for this quiz I used Ryleigh's quizlet that she made and it kinda sort of helped. I definitely got the basic stuff covered on the test, but I'm almost positive I continually mixed up Hinduism and Buddhism. Luckily, it was all multiple choice and there were no writing portions of it.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

5 major religions pt 2

So yesterday we talked about Christianity and Islam. Today we talked about Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Hinduism is the third largest practiced religion in the world, 1.1 billion. adherents. Tjey are referred as Hindus. They are mostly located in India and Nepal. Their holy book is called the vedas. Eternal truths revealed to ancient sages; composed in verse form (meant to be sung and easily memorized). Buddhism had 500 million - 1.5 billion adherents. They are called buddhist and a majority of them are located in southeast Asia, China, Nepal and Japan. The amount of buddhist in the US is 1.2 million. The founder is Siddahara Guantama. Judaism has 14-18 million adherents. They're called Jews. They're located in Israel and the US. The founder was Abraham. Their holy book is the Torah.

start of 5 major religions

In human geo today we started to talk about the five major religions. The most practice religion in the world is Christianity. The second most practiced is Islam. Around 2.2 billion people in the world are christians. They are located in Europe, the Americas, and southern Africa. The denominations of Christianity are: Catholic church, Eastern Orthodox church, Protestants (Lutherans, Methodists, Baptist, Anglicans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and many more. The founder of Christianity was Jesus Christ and Christianity is Abrahamic in origin). The holy book of the religion is called the Bible , especially the New Testament (gospels). Some of the beliefs are that Jesus is both human and divine- son of God; he led a virtuous life; was crucified, died, buried, and resurrected; he ascended into heaven where he reigns with God the Father. We also talked about the Islam religion, but I have enough words from just talking about the christianity one lol.

Monday, November 18, 2019

test day :))

So test day is here and we finally took the population pyramid/settlement test. All the questions on the test were multiple choice, which was nice because I don't like having to write short answers. Mr. Schick gave us ten minutes in the beginning of class to study which was also very nice of him. I just looked over my notes in my composition and re watched the population pyramid video. When I got the test I was able to answer most questions without any doubt, but for sure on some of them their was hesitation. I did my best to make good guesses though, if I really had no idea on one, which was only on like three problems. Overall I think I probably got a high B on that test and I feel pretty good about it.

Friday, November 15, 2019

test review pt 2

Today in human geo we finished doing the second half of reviewing for the test on Monday. We re watched the Ted-ed video on population pyramids as a class. I pretty much understand most of the population pyramid stuff and I think i'll do okay on the test. Mr. Schick let us watch jeopardy again, which was really fun.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Test Review pt 1

Today in human geo Mr. Schick was talking about the parent teacher conferences and how he would talk to the parents and stuff. My mom asked me if I wanted her to come and talk to any of my teachers and I told her not really and surprisingly she agreed. I think it was because she was approving of my grades for the first quarter so she didn't really care as much. Anyway for test reviewing, Mr. Schick pulled up the one google slide presentation with all of the population and settlement information that we first started with in the beginning of this unit. We just went through each one and told us what we would have to know for the test. We're also gonna review the population pyramid stuff tomorrow, but Mr. Schick wanted to give us blog time.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Presentations feedback

Yesterday in class we presented our country slides talking about their society issues. My group (Ryleigh, Alex, and Lauren) did the Democratic Republic of Congo. Lauren was the team leader and she was in charge of the agriculture and stuff of Congo. Ryleigh researched the economy and their issues. Alex talked about the energy of the country which is basically just electricity, oil production and gas. I contributed to the project the people and society part of it. I talked about how the population pyramid was set up and stuff. We presented third and I think we did a decent job, but personally there was some distractions in the classroom, but other than that I think we did okay.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

exam questions class

Today in human geo Mr. Schick went around to different people in the class and asked different questions from an exam he gave his class a couple years ago and they were on Population and Settlement. He was thinking about giving us a pop quiz on this so that's why we did that. He asked us 37 questions. If that were an actual quiz or test, I think I most likely wouldn't have done well. I like know the basic stuff and the population terms but when the questions started to get more specific and based off of the CIA gov website. It was just a bunch of statistics I think would be kind of difficult to remember. I had a headache in class today so I tried my best to listen to the feedback he was giving while asking us questions, but it was kind of hard.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

summary of in class assignment

Yesterday in human geo, Mr. Schick assigned to us this thing where we had to look up five facts on the world CIA fact book and write mini paragraphs about how we found them interesting and how they related to what we have been learning in class. Since Mr. Schick wasn't here yesterday, we had his class in Mrs. Gauthier's classroom. It was kind of nice being able to work on human geo stuff in a different environment. I had to re read the directions on his website a couple times to fully understand what we need to do because his instructions were kinda vague, but I eventually got it. It was pretty easy to write why I found my facts interesting. After the fact assignment he had us look up five different countries and predict what we think their population pyramids would like in the future and whether they would rise slowly, rapidly, or just decline.

Monday, November 4, 2019

in class population assignment

Fact 1: The entire worlds population is 7,503,828,180. I found this fact interesting because you don't really realize how big something is until you see it in numbers and it doesn't really feel like there is that many people so it was cool to have the exact number of our entire world population.

Fact 2: Most spoken language in the world is English. I didn't really expect it to be anything else, but what did come as a surprise to me was the fact that the second most spoken language is Mandarin Chinese. I feel like the second most spoken language would be Spanish because it's taught in school and it seems like Spanish people are more common.

Fact 3 Religions: 31.4% of the worlds population practices the Christian religion. I found this interesting because I figured more people would be in that range.

Fact 4: Birth rate and death rate: 18.2 births/1,000 population , 7.7 deaths/1,000 population. 

Fact 5: infant mortality rate: This was probably the saddest fact but it was interesting because i didn't know that before.

1. United States- I think it will rise rapidly
2. Brazil- rise slowly
3. Honduras- rise rapidly
4. Germany- decline
5. Chad- rise rapidly