Sunday, December 15, 2019

essay day

Okay so finally after days of prepping for the exam essay we finally did. it. He gave us pretty much the entire time to do it like before the bell for class even rung he said we could start. I  was really stressed about this essay, clearly due to my last blog, but I got help from my friends and they helped me and gave me good notes to have on the notecard Mr. Schick provided for us. As writing I did get stuck a couple times, but in the end I was able to organize most of my thoughts on the paper and I think I didn't completely fail it.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

essay prep

Today in human geo Mr. Schick decided that he would let us have a note card with only bullet points on it with the notes we collected on whatever essay option we chose. In class he just gave us the whole time to research and stuff. The thing is, I re -read every single essay option like a million times and I still am struggling to figure out which one I can write about and thoroughly understand and not fail. So as i'm writing this, I literally have no idea how my essay is going to turn out or what I'm gonna do. Pretty stressed about it, considering I have one night to get all my notes gathered and stuff. It was very nice of him to give us the notecard so we have some help on the test, it's just when you basically have no clue what to write about, it's reallyyy kind of useless to me at the moment. Anyway you're. welcome for the rant session.

Monday, December 9, 2019

demographic transition quiz

So today in human geo we took the demographic transition quiz, based off of the article he gave us like last week. In the beginning of class Mr. Schick gave us 10 minutes to study and review everything. To study I made a quizlet last Friday and studied a little bit over the weekend. I know I usually say this, but I think I did a pretty decent job on the quiz like the lowest I could get would probably an 80 or something. Anyways there was one question on there that had me absolutely stumped, like I looked at it and reread it like ten times and I couldn't figure out what was wrong with the statement. So, I just left it blank lol. After I was done with the quiz i took my glasses off and Mr. Schick came over and put them on and proceeded to call me legally blind, which is VERY accurate. Then when everybody was done taking the quiz, we learned that it was Mr. Schick's birthday and he talked about exams week.

Friday, December 6, 2019

quiz talk

Today in human geo Mr. Schick just asked a bunch of questions about what's gonna be on the quiz next Monday. He asked questions about the four/five stages and what they did and how they applied to different countries. The demographic transition chart we drew yesterday, I'll probably be using that to study and the article he gave us in the beginning of the week because I still don't really understand which stages are what except for the fifth one because it's like the all time lowest. But technically the fifth stage is just theoretical so I don't really know.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

discussing the demographic transition

Today in human geo, we went over the demographic transition article and we talked about what the 4/5 stages were about. I put 4/5 because technically the paper only went into detail about the four, but at the very end of it, it mentioned a fifth stage. Anyway so we went around the class and one of us would describe what the stage was and how it impacted the population and when that person was done they would get to pick another person. I raised my hand for the first stage and I wasn't really aware we had to go into that much detail so i just stated the three general bullet points that were listed above the paragraph about stage 1. It's fine though because we went into more detail. Stage one is just when people had to hunt for their food and both their CBR and their CDR were high. IN stage two thats when the industrial and medical revolution happened, which impacted the world a great deal. In stage 3, the birth rate starts to decline and people have fewer kids. Lastly stage 4, the birth rate is very low and the death rate is increasing. This condition is called zero population and also the lack of change in the population.

Monday, December 2, 2019

the demographic transition

So today in human geo Mr. Schick basically just talked about ho exams are really soon and how they're gonna work and stuff like that. Then he gave us this article on the demographic transition and told us to read it and highlight/ underline information we think seems important. As I was reading and highlighting important stuff, I came across a lot of the same stuff we did in our last unit with population and settlement stuff. Like it pretty much just talked about how the CDR, the CBR, and the NIR, affect countries and their growth. Im not really sure if that's exactly right, but that's what I got from it.