Thursday, October 31, 2019


Today in human geo we watched another video called 'Hans Rosling : 200 years in 4 min'. It was a guy talking about how different nations/countries have grown industrial wise throughout the years.
-he teaches global health
-animating the data in real space
-in 1810 life expectancy was below 40
-china and the south African nations struggled to join the industrial revolution for a while
we drew a chart that showed life expectancy and the GDP

population pyramid discussion

Today in human geo we watched the population pyramid video again but as a class. We pretty much just talked about how the population pyramids are set up and how the different countries pyramids will increase or decrease over time. The population pyramids are set up by gender. Men are located on the left and women are on the right. Young people are located on the bottom of the population pyramid and older people are located on the top.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

population test review

So today in human geo since two other students hadn't taken the population and settlement test we had to wait for them to take them so we could review the test as a class. In the meantime, Mr. Schick had us watch one of those TED- ED videos and it was on population pyramids. After we watched the video, there was website called and on it was basically just a bunch of statistics of different countries in different years populations and their growth or decrease throughout time. He said we could just mess around with it and look at different things so i did that for a little while and then I picked Germany because why not, and i wanted to see how their population would be in a couple years and i kid you not every single year as it increased Germay's population dropped like a million per year. Mr. Schick said it was like that because not many people over there are having babies. Anyway after everyone had taken the test we finally could review them. I did pretty well and got a 90.

Friday, October 25, 2019

test dayy

So today in human geo we took our population and settlement test. To be honest I think I did pretty okay and I was stressing a lot while studying, but the test wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The world fact boom portion of the test was really easy and I was able to find information a lot quicker than before. I finished all twelve of the questions before the twenty minutes was up. As I said before I made a quizlet for the vocabulary terms and I think I got a majority of those right, maybe I mixed up one or two. On the very last page of the test there were two bonus questions and I had absolutely no idea what they were so I just didn't do them, but they were bonus so it's okay. So yeah I think I did okay on it but I guess i'll just have to wait and see when Mr. Schick finishes grading them and hands them back.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

review for test

Today in human geo we pretty much just reviewed everything that we're gonna have to know for the test tomorrow. I think that if I study well enough tonight that  i'll be okay because I feel like I know most of the material, but I got to get better at using the CIA world fact book site because it took me a little bit too long when we were doing those questions in class the other day. Also, since the first part of the test were pretty much just doing that  and only being given twenty minutes, i'm definitely gonna work on finding my way around it a lot better tonight. For the vocabulary part I'll probably just make a quizlet because those help me out a lot especially for memorization and things like that.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

going over world fact book questions/ random

Today in human geo class we reviewed the world fact book questions that we did in class yesterday. We didn't get through all of them but we went all the way up to number 18.  Mr. Schick had us read the answers aloud and then we discussed them. As I was answering the questions yesterday in class, it was pretty easy to find the answers, but some took more searching for than others. We really only did this in class today so I'm just gonna talk about my day. So today was Wednesday and the letter day was 'A' and I hate a days because I have patriot transitions and no offs which is especially annoying because I didn't get an off on the day before which was an h day. Luckily I have a good off tomorrow.  I feel like this week has been going by super slowly and i don't really know why. Halloween's coming up and it honestly doesn't feel like halloween at all like it has just felt like a really long September. We moved seats in my math class and I definitely feel like I can focus more.

Monday, October 21, 2019

CIA world fact book questions

1. China's population is 1,384,688,986. And India's population is 1,296,834,042.

2. Japan's total fertility rate is 1.42 children born/woman.

3. The death rate of El Salvador is 5.8 deaths/1,000 population.

4. The percentage of France that identify their religion as none is 23-28%. It is not verifiable and the government doesn't ask which one you are.

5. The percentage of Mexicans that identify themselves as Roman Catholic is 82.7%.

6. the GDP - per capita (PPP) in the United States is $59,800 (2017 est.)
$58,900 (2016 est.)
$58,400 (2015 est.)

7.  the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Nigeria is $5,900 (2017 est.)
$6,100 (2016 est.)
$6,300 (2015 est.)

8. the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Luxembourg is $105,100 (2017 est.)
$105,400 (2016 est.)
$104,600 (2015 est.)

9.The percentage of the United States’ population that are Internet users is 76.2%

10.  the number of airports in Russia is 1,218. The number of airports in the untied states is 13,513.

11. The amount of people who don't have electricity in the world is 1.201 billion.

12. the Infant Mortality Rate in Canada is 4.5 deaths/1,000 live births.  In Cuba it is 4.4 deaths/1,000 live births. In the United States it is  5.7 deaths/1,000 live births

13. The literacy rate for men is in Afghanistan is 52%. For women it is 24.2%. The total is 38.2% .

14. The three countries that have the highest life expectancy are Monaco, Singapore, and Japan.

15. The three countries that have the lowest life expectancy are Afghanistan, Zambia, and Lesotho. 

16. Monaco  has the sixteenth highest Net Migration Rate.
17. the unemployment rate in Vietnam is 7.3%. For South Korea it is 10.4%. In the united states it's 8.6%. India's is 10.1%. and lastly Kenya's is 40%.
18. The percentage spent by: Germany is 1.24.                                      For China it is 1.87.                                       And for United States: 3.16.
19. The three countries that produce the most crude oil are Untied states, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. 10,962,000 US, 10,759,000 Russia, 10,425,000 SA.

20. The three countries that import the most crude oil are US, China, India. Us imports 7,969,000. China imports 6,710,000. India imports 4,057,000.

21. Spanish- 6 percent
Chinese- 12.3 percent
English- 5.1 percent

Sunday, October 20, 2019

blog for 10/18 (late)

People migrate because of push forces and pull forces. Push forces would be considered civil war, environmental degradation, unemployment or underemployment, and religious or ethnic persecution. Some pull forces are a better economic opportunity, better health services, religious and political freedom. We learned about this thing called TFR which is just an acronym for total fertility rate. The total fertility rate is the average number of children born per woman. For a population to remain the same, the total fertility rate must be 2.1. If it is lower than 2.1 the population would rise, but if it is higher than 2.1, the population falls. The world total fertility rate is 2.42 (it was 2.54 two years ago, and 2.47 last year). I don't really know if those are recent statistics or not because Mr. Schick said that he updates the powerpoint every year.

terms - blog for 10/17 (late)

Crude Death Rate- # of deaths per 1000 of the population

Crude Birth Rate- # of births per 1000 of the population

Net Migration Rate- the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country is net immigration

Rate of Natural Increase- produced by the death rate from the birth rate the gives the 
gives us the annual natural growth rate- in % FORM FOR A COUNTRY

Life Expectancy- average # of years to be lived by by a group of people born in the same year

Thursday, October 10, 2019

going over test

Today in human geo we went over our map tests and I got a fifty- nine out of one-hundred. Our average score as a class was 75%. Even with us being able to use our blog notes, the honors classes still got a higher average. I definitely think I could've scored way higher, but maybe I just need to start making these blogs more information filled instead of trying to meet the word limit. As we were looking over the tests, Mr. Schick had suggested to us that we write the letter answer next to the question so later when we have to take finals and other big tests like that, we could easily just cover up the answers and try to  answer them again as a study tool. We didn't really do anything else so i'll just talk about what my favorite part of today was, which is when I went to math because we got to work in groups and the people in my class are funny.

discussion about population

Today in human geo we started the topic of Population and Settlement on Earth. There is over 7.6 billion people on Earth right now. The people keep increasing by over 73 million per year. 90% of our population growth happens in East Asia and Latin America. In class today we also talked about how in China you can only have one child to a family to prevent overpopulation and if you have any more than that, then you have to pay extra money for it. The average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year is called the life expectancy.

Monday, October 7, 2019

map test

Today in human geo we took our map quizzes. Like seven people left for sports and stuff so classroom felt kinda empty. I studied a lot for this test using a quizlet and I felt pretty prepared. Unexpectedly, Mr. Schick said he would let us use our own blogs on the test. Since we were now able to use our blogs I felt a little bit more ready for it. When he handed out the tests he handed out a scantron sheet with them as well, which I wasn't expecting because I haven't used one in a while. The test itself wasn't really too difficult for me and I think I got a decent grade on it. I definitely don't think I aced it but I'm pretty sure I scored okay. I put a good amount of the material in my quizlet and studied it, but I missed a few little things which I kinda just had to guess on the test with.

Friday, October 4, 2019

pop quiz!

Today in class Mr. Schick read us back some of the questions we put on our made up quizzes from yesterday. I feel like I was able to answer most of them. Then after we were done answering the questions from the quizzes that we made, Mr. Schick gave us a pop quiz. My friend Sierra Simmons in Mr. Schick's honors 2 class told me yesterday that she had a pop quiz and she said that it would be pretty easy so I kind of assumed that I would be able to do well, but boy was I wrong. Im like almost 100% sure I bombed that pop quiz and got only like four  right. I just checked veracross and I was right I got a 4/10 so looks like I got some studying to do. To be honest I'm just glad I didn't get a zero. I'm probably gonna make a quizlet using all my notes and some of the blogs to help me study because the learn button on it really helps me for some reason.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

made up quiz

  1. Site is the physical _________ of a place.
  1. Ability
  2. Importance
  3. Character
  4. location

    2) ____ have the ability to modify the characteristics of a site.
  1. Animals 
  2. Humans
  3. Robots
  4. vegetables

  3) the location of a place relative to other places (def.)
              a. Situation
              b. Site
              c. longitude
              d. latitude

4) What is the absolute location of latitude?
  1. East / West 
      b. North / South

5) Which one of the following parallels are incorrect? 
       a. Antarctic Circle
       b. Tropic of Cancer
       c. Equator
       d. Tropic of Taurus

6) Who created the first world map? 
     a. Cleisthenes
     b. Rowan
     c. Eratosthenes
     d. Spongebob

7) Geography is the study of ____ things are found on Earth’s surface & the reasons for their locations.
  1. Where
  2. When
  3. What
  4. how

8) What is the art and science of mapmaking called? 
      a. Mapology
      b. Biology
      c. physiology
      d. Cartography

9) What are longitude lines called?
    a. Meridians
    B. parallels 

10) Time zone is the region of ____ that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. 
  1. Saturn
  2. Earth
  3. Jupiter
  4. Uranus

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Time zone stuff

In class today we took the North and Central America and South America mapping quiz and we did notes and talked about time zones. I studied for the quiz by doing the map games online which really helped me out a lot, but when it came time to take the quiz i had some doubts about where I put Venezuela and Colombia and it turns out I had it right the first time but then I changed it and ended up getting it both wrong which kinda sucks. But for the most part I think I did pretty well with the rest of the quiz, I haven't checked Vera-cross yet so I don't know yet. Anyway we discussed time zones after the quiz. A time zone is a region of Earth that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. UTC stands for coordinated universal time which was confusing at first cuz it didn't really match the letters, but then Mr. Schick further explained that it's universal. It's coordinated universal time, primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time.