Thursday, September 5, 2019

2nd Official Day of Human Geo

Hi Mr. Schick, since I was unaware of the fact that we needed to write a blog everyday we have class I forgot to write the one for Wednesday so here it is.

 Wednesday was our first official day of Human geo and it went pretty well. The whole class we were pretty much just finishing setting up our blogs if you weren't able to do it the night before. Since I had my blog completely finished and set up, I was able to help another student set up his, Tom Chen. His computer was completely in Chinese so it was a little difficult to help him out, but in the end I was able to help him set up his human geo blog up too. After everyone in the class was done with their blog set up, we discussed the things that may or may not be difficult about high school. For example like time management, keeping up with grades and learning to balance ur school and social life. Out of those topics I related to the the time management part of it. I fell like i've always struggled with time management and putting my school work first before activities and stuff. I feel like I have been pretty good about it so far this school year, but i do baton twirling and the season hasn't started yet so it has been easier to put all my focus on school recently.

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