Tuesday, September 3, 2019

First Day @ JC

1)   Today was the first day of school and there were many ups and downs to it. A few of the good things about my day were probably the fact that I was able to open my locker much more easily. I struggled with the combination lock the day of freshmen orientation which made me feel like I wouldn't be able to get it open when school started, that made me a lot more anxious than I already was. Which is why it was relieving when I found out I could unlock it much easier. Another good thing about my first day at John Carroll was how I didn't have to carry that many books around and I got to re connect with some friends throughout the day. Some events that weren't so good today would be when I got off from mod 4 getting ready to head to lunch, but I had to go up to my locker on the 3rd floor and put away some books. Doing all of that resulted in me getting to the cafeteria late and having to wait in a very long line to buy lunch. Another thing that happened today that I didn't like was me not being  on time for math at the end of the day because I couldn't find my classroom.  Those were all of my best and worsts parts of my first day.

2) I like the seat I was given in Human Geography because I have trouble seeing the board sometimes and it's really convieneient that I'm in the front. I also like my seat because it's on the end of the classroom so I have easy access to the door and I can get my phone easily as were leaving. A reason I don't really like my seat that much is because I'm not really near any friends, but other than that it's good.

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