Wednesday, October 23, 2019

going over world fact book questions/ random

Today in human geo class we reviewed the world fact book questions that we did in class yesterday. We didn't get through all of them but we went all the way up to number 18.  Mr. Schick had us read the answers aloud and then we discussed them. As I was answering the questions yesterday in class, it was pretty easy to find the answers, but some took more searching for than others. We really only did this in class today so I'm just gonna talk about my day. So today was Wednesday and the letter day was 'A' and I hate a days because I have patriot transitions and no offs which is especially annoying because I didn't get an off on the day before which was an h day. Luckily I have a good off tomorrow.  I feel like this week has been going by super slowly and i don't really know why. Halloween's coming up and it honestly doesn't feel like halloween at all like it has just felt like a really long September. We moved seats in my math class and I definitely feel like I can focus more.

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