Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Time zone stuff

In class today we took the North and Central America and South America mapping quiz and we did notes and talked about time zones. I studied for the quiz by doing the map games online which really helped me out a lot, but when it came time to take the quiz i had some doubts about where I put Venezuela and Colombia and it turns out I had it right the first time but then I changed it and ended up getting it both wrong which kinda sucks. But for the most part I think I did pretty well with the rest of the quiz, I haven't checked Vera-cross yet so I don't know yet. Anyway we discussed time zones after the quiz. A time zone is a region of Earth that observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial, and social purposes. UTC stands for coordinated universal time which was confusing at first cuz it didn't really match the letters, but then Mr. Schick further explained that it's universal. It's coordinated universal time, primary time standard by which the world regulates clocks and time.

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