Thursday, January 9, 2020

GG&S day 3

Today was another day of watching the guns, germs, and steel video. Today while watching the video we learned about how in the middle east growing was wheat and barley, this was when majority of the earths climate was really arid (which just means hot dry and things were unable to grow). The archeologists in the video discovered, what they believe was the first real evidence of "civilization" and called it Draa. It was a little community. Another thing the archeologists discovered while digging was what they think was a granary (which is just a place they stored the wheat and such. so they didn't get infected by bugs and so it didn't spoil). It's kind of like a shiloh. Places that learned to develop their own farming were china- rice and the americas- corn, squash, and beans. People around the world with the most productive crops are the most productive farmers. This is called GEOGRAPHIC LUCK.

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