Monday, January 13, 2020

guns germs and steel video day 4 i think

So today in class we obviously continued watching the guns, germs, and steel documentary video. Today the video talked about animal domestication and how breeding was super useful and to the people to the land, and to the animals themselves. The first ever animals to be domesticated in ancient times were goats and sheep. Animals like them were not only good for food, but their wool/ fur, is really good for weaving coats and such. The fourteen large domestic animals are goats, sheep, pigs, cows, horses, donkeys, bactrian camels, Arabian camels, water buffalo, llamas, yaks, mithans, and Bali cattle. Anyways for extra credit Mr.  Schick said that if we went to the pow wow on Saturday and took a pic of ourselves there we could've gotten 6 points extra credit or something like that. Unfortunately I didn't have a ride there so I couldn't' t go. Hopefully I do really well on the upcoming test on this video.

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