Wednesday, January 8, 2020

guns, germs, and steel video day 2

Today in human geo we continued watching the gun, germs, and steel video.  In class we talked about how to have advances to a civilization. The three advances were: advanced technology, large population, and a well organized work force. During the video we learned a term called prehistory. Pre history was about 13,000 years ago when everyone was either a hunter or a gatherer. Mr. Schick asked us a question that he said would be on the test; Are there any people in the world who still hunt and fend food fro themselves? The answer was yes because the people of Papua New Guinea & the Amazon still do that type of thing. In Papua a popular main source of food for them comes from the center of a tree. I's called sago. It's like a the of wheat that can be baked and Mr. Schick said it had good calories and there was always enough to feed multiple people.

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